Writing a SAS-program in SAS

The code below will let you write a SAS-program in SAS.

/* This dummy macro-variable will be used later as input for the SAS program. */
%let HelloWorld = Hello world;
data _null_;
file SASProgram;
put ‘%let Hello='” &HelloWorld. “‘;’;
put ‘%put &Hello;’;
put ‘run;’;

filename cdrive “C:\SASPrograms”;

data _null_;
infile SASProgram;
file cdrive(HelloWorld.sas);
put _infile_;
filename cdrive clear;

You now have a SAS-program called ‘HelloWorld.sas‘ in the folder ‘C:\SASPrograms\‘.
The program will look like this.

%let Hello= Hello World;
%put &Hello;

And it will write ‘Hello World‘ to the log in SAS.