Security Token was not recognized by the IssuerNameRegistry

When you try to connect to a provider with a certificate, you can get the message below e.g. in your Windows Event Viewer under Application.

The issuer of the Security Token was not recognized by the IssuerNameRegistry. To accept Security Tokens from this issuer, configure the IssuerNameRegistry to return a valid name for this issuer.

If you are using the thumbprint of the certificate in the web.config everything might seem to be correct. But the problem can be that you copied the thumbprint from the certificate. When you copy the thumbprint from the certificate you get an extra “invisible” stop-character (shown with yellow below) included in the copy and the pasting to the web.config. Don’t copy the thumbprint from the certificate. Just type it in manually.


Runas user on other domain

The command below will let you run a program as another user on another domain.

runas /netonly /user:<domain>\<user> "<program>"

If you want to run SQL Server Management Studio 2014 you would use the command below.

runas /netonly /user:<domain>\<user> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe"

Update your security policies on Windows

If you have ever made a share on a machine running Windows and added security permissions to the share eg giving individual users rights to access the share. You might have noticed that it can take a while before these new security rights is available.

With this command (typed into the command prompt in the operating system) you can force the security rights to be updated immediately:

gpupdate /force