Getting first megabytes of large file

You can use the DOS-command TYPE and MORE to get the first megabytes or gigabytes of a large file e.g. of TXT, XML, CSV etc.
This is done by piping the result into another file, there by getting only the first part of the file piped into the new file.

The DOS-command below will start piping the large file into the smaller new file.


You are not able to see the result from the DOS-command. You need to press the SPACE-key on your keyboard, because every time you press the SPACE-key a new page of the file will be showed and thereby piped into the SMALL_DESTINATION_FILE.
When you think you have done this enough times, then you have to press CTRL-C on your keyboard, this will terminate the type-command and you will have the SMALL_DESTINATION_FILE containing data from the LARGE_SOURCE_FILE.

Be aware that you will get the — more — pipe text in the file!

SQL-statement to find lowest observation in dataset

The SAS SQL-statement below will create a dataset containing all information for the observation with the lowest age in the dataset SASHELP.CLASS.

proc sql;
     create table CLASS as
           select     *
           from SASHELP.CLASS
           group by AGE
           having AGE=min(AGE)

The syntax for the SAS SQL-statement is showed below.

proc sql;
     create table <DESTINATION TABLE> as
           select     *
           from <SOURCE TABLE>
           group by <COLUMN TO SEARCH>

As you see the <FUNCTION> doesn’t have to be min (minimum), it can be any function working on the type of <COLUMN TO SEARCH> – numeric or char.

Enterprise Password Managers

Below is a list of enterprise password managers
HashiCorp Vault secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing. Vault handles leasing, key revocation, key rolling, and auditing. Through a unified API, users can access an encrypted Key/Value store and network encryption-as-a-service, or generate AWS IAM/STS credentials, SQL/NoSQL databases, X.509 certificates, SSH credentials, and more.
eamPass is a Passwords Manager dedicated for managing passwords in a collaborative way by sharing them among team members.
Teampass offers a large set of features permitting to manage your passwords and related data in an organized way in respect to the access rights defined for each users.
Teampass is an Open-Source free to use product distributed in respect with OpenSource GNU GPL-3.0.